Initiating a manual update or discovery

HP BladeSystem 35894 Initiating a manual update or discovery

IMPORTANT: Do not flash or reboot the Onboard Administrator while any Enclosure Firmware Management task is in progress.

Individual servers

HP BladeSystem 141380 Initiating a manual update or discovery

To initiate a manual update or discovery on individual servers:

  1. Select Device Bays in the left tree view. Select the appropriate bay to view, and then select Firmware.
  2. Click Start Manual Discovery or Start Manual Update.

Multiple servers

To initiate a manual discovery on multiple servers:

  1. In the left tree view, select Enclosure Settings>Enclosure Firmware Management.
  2. Select the Manual Discovery tab.

    HP BladeSystem 141384 Initiating a manual update or discovery

  3. Select the checkbox next to the appropriate server bays, or select the Discover All Servers checkbox.
  4. Click Start Manual Discovery.

To initiate a manual update on multiple servers:

  1. In the left tree view, Select Enclosure Settings>Enclosure Firmware Management.
  2. Select the Manual Update tab.

    HP BladeSystem 141385 Initiating a manual update or discovery

  3. Select the checkbox next to the appropriate server bays, or select the Update All Servers checkbox.
  4. Click Start Manual Update.

To initiate a manual discovery or update from the Device Bays screen:

  1. In the left tree view, select Device Bays.
  2. Select the check box next to the appropriate bay.
  3. From the Firmware Management menu, select Start Manual Discovery or Start Manual Update.

    HP BladeSystem 141386 Initiating a manual update or discovery

Initiating a manual update or discovery